Psychological well-being in adolescents from a qualitative viewpoint

  • Denise Benatuil Universidad de Palermo, CONICET
Keywords: Adolescents, Well-being,


In the last years the thematic of the psychological well-being has generated great interest among the psychologists. In this article a brief revision of the main definitions and investigations is carried out on the topic. The results of a study are presented on the selfperception of the psychological well-being carried out with 271 Argentinean adolescents. For this study one three instruments have been used: a qualitative survey, the scale BIEPS and the SWLS. The data have been analyzed from a qualitative focus. From the results obtained in the scales BIEPS and SWLS they conformed two groups; one with high and the other with low selfperception well-being. The differences are analyzed in each one of these groups, exemplifying with some protocols. The dimensions of personal bonds and acceptance of oneself state the difference between the youths with high and low well-being. 


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How to Cite
Benatuil, D. (2003). Psychological well-being in adolescents from a qualitative viewpoint. Psicodebate, 3, 43-58.