Adolescents ́ problems in Iberoamerica

  • María Martina Casullo Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Palermo
  • Mercedes Fernández Liporace Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Remedios González Barrón Universidad de Valencia
  • Inmaculada Montoya Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Adolescents, emotions, Iberoamerica, culture,


Data gathered in an Iberoamerican descriptive-comparative study on adolescent students are reported. Samples include subjects living in three different Argentine urban regions (Buenos Aires, Tucumán and Patagonia) and in the city of Valencia (Spain). For psychological assessment the Symptom Checklist (SCL – 90 – R), a sociodemographic survey including an open question on the most important emotional problem experienced during last year and a coping scale, in their Spanish versions, were used. We present data on reported problems, analyzed by sex, age and region, pointing out main differences found. 


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How to Cite
Casullo, M. M., Fernández Liporace, M., González Barrón, R., & Montoya, I. (2002). Adolescents ́ problems in Iberoamerica. Psicodebate, 2, 41-54.

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