Psychology students evaluation of projective and psychometric techniques. Some comments

  • Carmen Maganto Mateo Universidad del País Vasco
  • María Soledad Cruz Sáez Universidad del País Vasco
Keywords: projective, psychometric, students,


The purpose of this study is to know Psychology students of the Basque Country’ evaluation of assessment instruments regarding these criteria: learning difficulties, utility for their professional practice. A sudents sample attending the fifth course, with similar acedemic curriculum was studied. Results show that students are interested in psychometric as well as in projective techniques; they consider that both techniques will be highly useful in their professional practice. They are also awared thay they need to adquire a deeper knowledge on them. In order to achieve that aim, they requiere more class hours devoted to the study of both types of techniques, specially the projective ones due to the high difficulty they involve. 


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How to Cite
Maganto Mateo, C., & Cruz Sáez, M. S. (2002). Psychology students evaluation of projective and psychometric techniques. Some comments. Psicodebate, 2, 55-74.