Circadian Typology and Personality Styles in Argentinean University Women

  • María Pilar Sánchez López Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Cronopsychology, Circadian typology, Personality Styles, MIPS (Millon Index of Personality Inventory),


The aim of this paper is to study the differential personality profiles of subjects according to their circadian typology (Mornigness- Eveningness). The CS Scale (Smith, Reilly y Midkinff, 1989) and the Millon Inventory of Styles of Personality (Millon, 1994) have been applied to 120 Argentinean University Women (AUW). The results point out that all AUW with high scores in morningness (M) are more organised to gather and elaborate the information of the environment. On the other hand, women characterised by Eveningness (E) are more creative and risky, more disappointed with routines and predictable facts and look for original and unexpected results. Furthermore, Intermediate group of woman (not clearly M or V) is studied; some new findings arise: Intermediate, as compared with W tend to behave in a more adequate and formal way in social contexts and they express their emotions or act spontaneously more unlikely. Through that method we have a better picture of the differential patterns of personality, according to the Mornigness-Eveningness features of the subjects. Generally speaking, the findings open the way for future research in which specific variables of personalities will be included. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez López, M. P. (2002). Circadian Typology and Personality Styles in Argentinean University Women. Psicodebate, 2, 97-118.