Some special dream...

  • Marcela Rius Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: stage, process, crises, psyche, attachment, ontogeny, development, Development Psychology,


The main objective of this paper is the analysis and observation of a two-year-old girl. Developmental Psychology is the discipline that studies this development (ontogeny). J.PIAGET explains development though stages, continuous structured process of equilibration, passing on to a higher stage. H. WALLON stresses the importance of this period in the development of the individual and mentions a process which also takes place through stages, but in this case discontinuous ones with crises and significant gaps. S. FREUD adopts the psychoanalytic approach to explain the primary and secondary processes in order to understand the components of our psyche. J. BOWLBY incorporates terms such as attachment and attachment bonds to explain forms of behaviour during early childhood. The integration of all these approaches enables us toreach a global view of the children during this stage. 


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How to Cite
Rius, M. (2002). Some special dream. Psicodebate, 2, 197-210.