Creativity as a Coping Resource in Daily Life

  • Norma Contini de González Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Keywords: creativity, coping, early identification, health,


The purpose of this article is to treat creativity not just as an elite’s ability, but as an ability that every person is able to develop. The concept of creativity is different from others such as talent and genious. Divergent thought, cognitive variables related to personality variables, specially motivation and complexity, are discussed. The system model that considers creativity linked with field, scope, and individual is developed. The importance of early identification of creativity as well as proper assessment instruments is referred. For the aim mentioned, a multidimensional approach that considers cognitive, personality and sociocultural context variables is suggested. Finally, we point out that the purpose of creativity assessment is to have an accurate knowledge of the child ability in order to outline programs that allow the expression of this potential easily. In this way creativity would be a daily life coping resource, therefore a health resource. 


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How to Cite
Contini de González, N. (2001). Creativity as a Coping Resource in Daily Life. Psicodebate, 1, 19-25.