Creative Climate: A Diagnosis for Innovating in Educational and Bussines Organizations

  • Mari Lucía Figueiredo Crespo Universidade São Francisco-Itatiba
Keywords: organizational climate, creative climate, innovation, educational organizations, business organizations,


The purpose of this research was to identify the variables which influence the creative climate and the innovation in private and public organizations, considering in this category schools and companies. The sample was composed by 80 subjects, (47 males and 33 females) 40 from school organizations (private and public) and 40 from business organizations (private and public) located in São Paulo state. The instrument used was the “Creative Climate Questionnaire” ( Ekvall, 1986) with 50 questions in liket scale. The Analysis of Variance was used in order to investigate the following variables: Challenge and Motivation, Debates, Conflicts, Time for Ideas, Playfulness/Humor, Freedom, Idea Support, Liveliness/Dynamism, Risk-taking, Trust/Openness. The results indicated that private educational organizations have more features leading to innovation and to a creative climate than business organizations. 


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How to Cite
Figueiredo Crespo, M. L. (2001). Creative Climate: A Diagnosis for Innovating in Educational and Bussines Organizations. Psicodebate, 1, 53-59.