Intelligence Assessment. Current Tendencies and Some Questions

  • Renata Frank de Verthelyi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Keywords: Intelligence, Cognitive tests, Multicultural assessment, Cinical integration,


The past 50 years have produced multiple advances, as well as strong controversies, regarding the structure, nature, and basic traits of the concept of intelligence. They also originated a number of new cognitive tests based on these theories. In a very competitive market, that tries to go global, two dissimilar tendencies can be presently observed: traditional tests are updated and made more comprehensive, vs. emphasis is placed on cross battery sub-test integration. Similarly, in response to the increasing demand for multicultural assessments, two tendencies predominate: the translation and adaptation of existing tests, vs. the creation of new non- verbal instruments. Some suggestions on how to integrate these varios contributions into the clinical practice are included. 


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How to Cite
Frank de Verthelyi, R. (2001). Intelligence Assessment. Current Tendencies and Some Questions. Psicodebate, 1, 107-116.