Aggressiveness and Social Skills in Adolescence. A Conceptual Approach.

  • E. Norma Contini Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Keywords: aggressiveness, social skills, adolescents,


The aim of this article is to revise the concept of aggressiveness by defining the overlapping with other concepts, such as aggression, violence, hostility and anger. The subject is focused on adolescence since the relationship to others becomes relevant to defining identity at this stage. Some explanatory models are developed as they are considered important to understand the phenomenon and they provide concepts to approach the growing demand for psychological counselling. Among the theories, we can highlight the one which conceptualises aggressiveness as a dysfunction in social skills, in the interpersonal relationships that affect the adolescent’s overall health. Finally, the scope and limits of the theories are analysed and the possibility of integrating models which allow gaining a multidimensional perspective on aggressiveness as a scourge trending upwards in contemporary society is opened up. 


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How to Cite
Contini, E. N. (2015). Aggressiveness and Social Skills in Adolescence. A Conceptual Approach. Psicodebate, 15(2), 31-54.