Development and Validation of Questionnaire Parental Sensitivity

  • Liliana Nieri Universidad Argentina de la Empresa
Keywords: fatherhood, transition, pregnancy,


For decades, various research argued that the father’s role was that of economic provider and support of your partner. However, with the historical changes that were happening in recent decades, many psychologists were interested in knowing what the roles of the father were and that happened to the father during the pregnancy of her son. That is why this study aimed to construct an instrument to learn, evaluate and analyze how the father felt regarding the arrival of his son, and also know the various emotions presented in each stage of pregnancy. One concludes that the father from early pregnancy through a process of construction to parenthood, unlike investigations suggest that the father realizes his recent paternity when he first sees her son, was found to father begins its transition from the decision to have a child. And the way how this transition takes place will depend on various factors such as: the story as a child, his relationship with his father, personality type, marital status, current situation, among others. 


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How to Cite
Nieri, L. (2015). Development and Validation of Questionnaire Parental Sensitivity. Psicodebate, 15(2), 55-82.