Depersonalization in individuals of the community and individuals with anxiety disorders: the role of catastrophic interpretations and experiential avoidance

  • Rafael Kichic Clínica de Ansiedad y Trauma, Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva (INECO)
Keywords: depersonalization, anxiety disorders, catastrophic interpretations, experiential avoidance,


This study explored the relación among catastrophic interpretations, experiential avoidance and different subtypes of depersonalization (DP) in 70 individuals of the community and 70 individuals with anxiety disorders. Patients answered questionnaires that measured catastropihc interpretations, experiential avoidance and DP. Catastrophic interpretations predicted the global intensity of DP and also the subtypes anomalous corporal experiences, anomalous recall experiencies and derealization. On the opposite, experiential avoidance was not a predictor of DP. Results are commented in light of the progress in the conceptualization of DP. 


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How to Cite
Kichic, R. (2015). Depersonalization in individuals of the community and individuals with anxiety disorders: the role of catastrophic interpretations and experiential avoidance. Psicodebate, 15(2), 83-98.