Validity Evidence of the Game Addiction Scale Short Form (GAS-AF) on a Sample of Argentinian Gamers
The objective of this study was to adapt the Short Version of the Video Game Addiction Scale (GAS-SF) for Argentinian gamers since there is no scale available in the country to assess video game addiction. For this purpose, the scale was translated from English into Spanish and retranslated to English. Confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency, parsimony, and correlational analysis were performed with the total hours of gaming per week and the Five Personality Factors. The sample was non-probabilistic and was composed of 582 Argentine video gamers between 18 and 26 years old (M = 21.30, SD = 0.10) of both sexes (men = 50.5%, women = 49.5%). According to the results obtained, the two-dimensional model is the one that best fits the sample. However, if correlational errors were calculated, the one-dimensional model also fits. Also, a positive and significant correlation was found between Neuroticism and the total number of hours played per week with the two models analyzed, and a negative and significant correlation between Responsibility, Agreeableness, and Extraversion with the two models. Following these results, the best fitting model is the two-dimensional one, although further research is needed to compare the results obtained with other studies to improve the adaptation and/or the classification criteria.
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