Prediction of self-concept in children by maternal emotion and sex differences

  • Santiago Resett Universidad Católica Argentina-CONICET
  • Lisie Meier Universidad Nacional de Formosa-CONICET
  • Olinca García Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Olivia Katz Universidad Católica Argentina
Keywords: self-concept, emotions, mothers, children,


Self-concept is an important aspect of self. It relates to mental health, self-regulation, and motivation. The present research aims to evaluate whether the experience positive emotions of mothers predicted self-concept in children aged 10 to 12 years. Another purpose was determinate whether self-concept in children varied by their gender, on one hand, and whether gender of child was a moderator in this respect, on the other. The advantage of this study was evaluated both mothers and their children. A descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional and field study was conducted; 80 children and 80 mothers where assessed. Participants completed Harter Self-Perception Profile for Children, Regner Positive Emotions Questionnaire for Adults Regner, and socio-demographic questions, respectively. After performing multiple regression analyses, results suggested that the experience of some positive maternal emotions was related to positive concept in children. It was also found that gender introduced a small differences in self-concept of children F = 6.79, p < .01, eta parcial al cuadrado = 8%. Females only scored better than males in scholastic competence and behavioral conduct.  The gender of the child moderated the association among interest/enthusiasm and scholastic, physical, and behavioral domains due to more significant associations for female in this respect. In the conclusion findings are discussed, limitations of the study are pointed out, and suggestions for future studies are provided.


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How to Cite
Resett, S., Meier, L., García Sánchez, O., & Katz, O. (2016). Prediction of self-concept in children by maternal emotion and sex differences. Psicodebate, 16(1), 27-48.