Transference and retention of the dual n-back training in fluid intelligence and verbal working memory
There are controversies regarding the possibility of increasing the levels of fluid intelligence and working memory through training in working memory tasks. The purpose of the three experiments was to evaluate effects of the transference and retention in verbal working memory and fluid intelligence, from training in the dual n-back program. In the first study the extra-group difference was evaluated in the dual n-back training after 25 sessions, comparing the results of the experimental group with those of the active control group. In the second study the effects of training in the dual n-back program were evaluated after 100 sessions. The third experiment evaluated the effect of 25, 50, 75 and 100 training sessions. The latest study measured the permanence of the effects of training, at 1, 2, 4, and 6 months after the completion of training. The results suggest the possibility of increasing measures of fluid intelligence and working memory using the dual n-back training, and in turn the permanence of these effects.
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