Effective decision making in diverse cultural environments and previous experiences in peacekeeping missions: A correlation study with argentine peacekeepers
Currently, some research on decision making point that in certain tasks or contexts intuition may be more effective than analysis. However, little is known about the determining effectiveness achieved in different cultural environments which involve the presence of different cultural traits of the culture of the decision maker, the relationships with previous work experience in these host countries and the influence of age on the first. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the effectiveness of the decisions taken in different cultural environments and prior involvement of decision makers in the host culture and to what extent its age is associated with the effectiveness reached. To do this, an intentional non-probabilistic sample made up of 130 peacekeepers was selected. They were under training in the Argentine Joint Training Centre for Peacekeeping Operations (CAECOPAZ) prior to their six-months deployment in the UN mision in the Republic of Haiti. Participants responded to an experimental task of decision-making (under the banner of doing so intuitive -emotional- or analytical -rational-) in environments of low or high cultural uncertainty, presented through a specific software; subsequently they responded to a demographic survey specifying the number of entries in peacekeeping missions that had previously experienced and other variables such as age, sex, and others. The results showed a significant positive association between the number of previous participation in peacekeeping missions in Haiti and the determining effectiveness achieved without the age of the subjects is found associated with the second. Future studies should explore effective decisions to the phenomenon of cultural diversity in non-military areas (i.e., business, education, health).Downloads
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