Positive interpersonal relationships: adolescents as protagonists
Positive relationships involve skills of empathy, cooperation and engagement to the wellbeing of others. In the case of adolescents, these relationships favor the development of personal strengths, provide emotional and instrumental support to stressful situations and contribute to social competence. The objectives of this work were: a) analyze the relationship between positive relationships between self–perceived perceived positive relationships and social skills of adolescents in San Miguel de Tucuman, from different socioeconomic levels and b) set individual differences in the type of social skills by socioeconomic status (SES). This was a correlational, cross–sectional study with accidental non–probabilistic sampling. A 275 adolescents between 12 and 14 years, attending public and private schools were given the Battery Socialization (BAS–3), the Questionnaire of cognitive strategies for solving social situations (EIS) Questionnaire Positive Relationships and socio–demographic survey (both designed for this study). The results showed that adolescents most frequently perceived positive relationships were described with consideration skills and spirit of service to others. NSE adolescents less concerned more leadership skills than more advantaged peers contexts. However, this group also perceived with social withdrawal, social anxiety and using passive strategies of solving social situations. Assertive strategies such as enabling socialization skills were most frequent among adolescents NSE medium and high. The data found are useful in designing interventions on positive social resources, which will result in greater well–being and quality of life of the adolescent population.
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