Organizational Virtues, Performance and Job Satisfaction. Differences according individual and organizational factors in Argentinean employees

  • María Laura Lupano Perugini Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas -CONICET- Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: performance, satisfaction, organizational virtues


This study is based on Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). That perspective tries to integrate classical organizational studies –which only analyze the negative conditions– with a perspective that visualizes positive variables that contribute to obtain optimal results (Cameron & Spreitzer, 2012). The present study aimed to find differences in organizational virtues (Support and respect, Meaning and inspiration, Forgiveness), according personal (e.g. position) and organizational variables (e.g. size and type of company). Also, it was sought if exist relation between organizational virtues and outcomes measures (organizational / individual performance and job satisfaction). The sample consisted of 569 Argentinean employees (288 men, 281 women); average age: 36.85 years (SD = 11.7); belonging to public companies (18.1%, n = 103) and private companies (81.9%, n = 466). Most of them lived in Buenos Aires and surrounding areas (96.8%, n = 545). For data collection was used: Organizational virtues Inventory –IVO– and surveys designed ad-hoc: socio-demographic, organizational, job satisfaction, organizational and individual performance Surveys. Using univariate analyzes, it was concluded that older people and those in a leadership position have higher levels of Meaning and inspiration. Also, in large and non-stereotypical companies, lower levels of Support and respect were perceived. All virtues correlated significantly with measures of performance and satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Lupano Perugini, M. L. (2017). Organizational Virtues, Performance and Job Satisfaction. Differences according individual and organizational factors in Argentinean employees. Psicodebate, 17(1), 35-50.