Emerging adulthood and work: A model for intention to stay in young Chilean workers

  • Eloy Oliva Vásquez Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Eugenia Vinet Universidad de La Frontera
  • Daniela Gómez Pérez Universidad de La Frontera
Keywords: emerging adulthood, work, work values, work satisfaction, intention to stay


In Chile, low labor participation has been observed in the young population. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of emerging adulthood, work values and job satisfaction into the intention to stay at work of Chilean emerging adults. Through a convenience and snowball sampling, 226 workers aged between 20 and 30 years answered the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood short version (IDEA-VC), a scale of intention to stay at work, a scale of work values, a scale of job satisfaction and a set of sociodemographic and labor variables. A structural equation model was run to test the association between measured variables. The results suggest that a greater attachment to intrinsic values is indirectly associated with a greater intention to stay at work, through an increase in job satisfaction. No direct relationships were observed between the dimensions of emerging adulthood, work values and intention to stay. The results are interpreted under the theory of self-determination and the dimensionality of emerging adulthood in young workers are discussed. Finally, the role of work in the experience of this developmental stage are reviewed.


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Author Biographies

Eloy Oliva Vásquez, Universidad Santo Tomás

Psicólogo, Magíster en psicología por la Universidad de La Frontera. Docente de la Escuela de psicología de la Universidad Santo Tomás.

Eugenia Vinet, Universidad de La Frontera

Psicóloga, Doctora en Psicología por la Universitat de Barcelona; Profesora Titular Adjunta, académica de los programas de Doctorado y Magíster en Psicología e investigadora en personalidad, evaluación y cultura.

Daniela Gómez Pérez, Universidad de La Frontera

Psicóloga, Doctora en Psicología y académica del departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de La Frontera. Desarrollo investigación en psicología de la salud, específicamente me interesa el rol que tienen variables psicológicas y sociales en el desarrollo de enfermedades o en distintos desenlaces en salud.


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How to Cite
Oliva Vásquez, E., Vinet, E., & Gómez Pérez, D. (2023). Emerging adulthood and work: A model for intention to stay in young Chilean workers. Psicodebate, 23(1), 48-63. https://doi.org/10.18682/pd.v23i1.6784