Social Representations of the World War Two: Values and Social dominance

  • Fernanda Mariel Sosa Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET
  • Dafna Gabriela Natapof Facultad de Psicología, UBA
  • Elena Zubieta Facultad de Psicología, UBA/CONICET
Keywords: social representations, world war two, values, social dominance


From the perspective of the Social Representations (SR), appears an investigation line that takes history as a representational object. Previous studies show World War II (WWII) as a central element of universal history. The purpose of this study is to describe the representational structure of the WWII, its effects, the psychosocial profile in values, beliefs in social dominance and counter-dominance and willingness to fight for the country. On the other hand, it is proposed to verify if there are associations between the effects of WWII and beliefs, which have a group of general population (n = 224, 59.8% women, 40.2% men, Mage = 30.5, SD = 10.68, Min = 18, Max = 65). The results show that the structure of the SR of the WWII is organized giving centrality to death, and to characteristics of this particular war, such as Nazism, Hitler, concentration and extermination camps, and atomic bombs. Participants consider the WWII as a social catastrophe, which also contributed to the formation of the United Nations and the Declaration of Human Rights. In addition, they prioritize values of openness to change and self-trascendence, exhibit high levels of social counter-dominance and a low willingness to fight for the country.


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How to Cite
Sosa, F. M., Natapof, D. G., & Zubieta, E. (2017). Social Representations of the World War Two: Values and Social dominance. Psicodebate, 17(2), 55-68.