Questioners and Creatives: Discussions and Evidence
Creativity is a topic of scientific, social and educational interest. To question is an indispensable action for creativity. In the article, it is interesting to present evidences and discussions regarding the relations between questions and creativity, arguing about the pertinence of the procedure to evaluate creative capacities from the formulation of questions. We analyze studies published in international journals in the period 2003-2016, in which Test CREA (Corbalán et al., 2003) is used as a measuring instrument. Some studies present relationships between the procedure used by CREA and the factors traditionally associated with creativity —fluidity, flexibility, originality, divergent production—. We also present studies that indicate low intensity relationships between creativity, measured from questions, and intelligence. We show investigations about the stability of the process of formulating questions to different stimuli and researches that explore relationships between achievement and creative abilities. We also retrieve studies about an alternative score in the CREA that consider the originality of the questions. Finally, we argue from several studies about the relationships between creative abilities, measures through questions, and participation in various leisure activities. In the final considerations, we analyze the evidence presented and highlight the contributions of the study to the field of measurement of creativity and the potential impacts on educational and everyday environments. The questions are related to creativity, are indicators of creative abilities, as it is maintained in the CREA, and resources for creative teaching and the promotion of creative processes in diverse contexts.Downloads
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