Inhibition: an executive function that is difficult to measure. Some problems linked to computerized inhibitory tasks

  • Yesica Aydmune
  • Isabel Introzzi
Keywords: inhibition, validity, reliability, computerized tasks


Currently inhibition is considered one of the main executive functions and it has been linked to several fundamental skills throughout the life cycle. There is also an important discussion about its structure and nature, emphasizing perspectives that conceive it as a unitary construct and others that propose a family of inhibitory processes. The debate has also spread on a series of skills aimed at measuring inhibition which are derived from the theoretical perspectives. Among this set of tasks, those with a computerized format receive an important interest, since their use has grown as a result of the technological revolution and the advantages that have in the administration and registration process. Among the central points in which the debate is developed, the reliability and validity of the tests are noteworthy. Therefore, through a non-systematic review, this work is aimed to analyze: (1) Factors that can affect the reliability of computerized inhibitory tasks. These factors are linked to characteristics of the tasks (such as the applications by means of which they are developed, the quality of the instrument, the organization of different conditions and the use of unreliable performance indices), its administration and the characteristics of the participants (considering familiarity with the use of computers, motivation, fatigue and practice); (2) Problems linked to the validity of these tasks, especially related to construct and convergent validity. Here the disagreement about what is measured by some computerized inhibitory tasks, the impurity of the tasks and the difficulty to find different activities that measure the same inhibitory process are addressed. It concludes with some considerations for the construction and application of computerized inhibitory tasks, which are derived from the topics reviewed.


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How to Cite
Aydmune, Y., & Introzzi, I. (2018). Inhibition: an executive function that is difficult to measure. Some problems linked to computerized inhibitory tasks. Psicodebate, 18(2), 7-25.