Character strengths as predictors of resilience in Mexican adults

  • Norma Alicia Ruvalcaba Romero Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Mercedes Gabriela Orozco Solis Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Laura Nadhielii Alfaro Beracoechea Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Héctor Rubén Bravo Andrade Universidad de Guadalajara


In Positive Psychology, the study of good character conceives the virtues as central traits consider as universal values, while strengths are psychological characteristics morally valued that compose those virtues. On the other hand, Resilience is a dynamic process of successful adaptation to adverse situations through internal and external resources. The aim of this study was to analyze the predictive value of human strengths in resilience components on Mexican population. The Inventory of Strengths and Virtues (IVyF) and the Mexican adaptation of the resilience scale for adults were applied to 590 residents of Guadalajara, Jalisco. Through lineal regression analysis, it was found that the best predictors of resilience factors are gratitude, social intelligence and perspective. The results are contrasted with other studies and implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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How to Cite
Ruvalcaba Romero, N. A., Orozco Solis, M. G., Alfaro Beracoechea, L. N., & Bravo Andrade, H. R. (2019). Character strengths as predictors of resilience in Mexican adults. Psicodebate, 19(1), 7-17.

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