Adaptation of Job Crafting Scale: Evidence of validity in the Argentine Labor Context

  • Solana Salessi Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Centro de Investigación y Transferencia, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Keywords: organizational behaviour, measurement instrument, statistical validity, job crafting


The word job crafting designates a specific form of proactive behaviour whereby the employee voluntarily makes changes in job demands and resources to positively impact on their own job. The aim of this study was to assess the underlying structure of the Job Crafting Scale developed for Tims, Bakker y Derks (2012) in a sample of Argentinean workers. A cross-sectional, empirical-instrumental and bi-phase design was used. In the first stage a study was carried out on a non-probabilistic sample of 229 (56% males, Mage = 33 years, DEage = 6.24 years, Mseniority = 7 years, DEseniority = 3.81 years) PYMES´s workers of Rosario ´s city. The optimized parallel analysis suggested 4 factors with eigenvalues of the 95th percentile; which explained 60% of the variance of the construct. In the second stage a new non-probabilistic sample composed of 449 workers (67% women, Mage = 34.5 years, DEage = 12.9, Mseniority = 8.6 years, DEseniority= 10.21 years) of various organizations located in the center-south of Santa Fe was studied. Confirmatory factor analyses indicated the adequacy of a tetra-factorial model with 19 items as observable variables. The adapted version of the scale showed adequate internal consistency, composite reliability and convergent-discriminant validity. The significant positive correlations found between the scores in the scales of job crafting, psychological capital, job involvement and proactive personality indicated concurrent validity. The results obtained provide evidence of the validity of the adaptation of the job crafting scale in the Argentine labour context. The findings are discussed. Strengths, limitations and implications of the research carried out are indicated.


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Author Biography

Solana Salessi, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Centro de Investigación y Transferencia, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Doctora en Psicología por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Se desempeña como investigadora asistente del del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas en el Centro de Investigación y Transferencia CONICET-UNRAF. Es profesora asociada en el Departamento de Cultura, Educación y Conocimiento de la Universidad Nacional de Rafaela; y profesora adjunta en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Actualmente es directora del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe. 


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How to Cite
Salessi, S. (2020). Adaptation of Job Crafting Scale: Evidence of validity in the Argentine Labor Context. Psicodebate, 20(1), 7 - 29.