Psychometric properties of the Psychological Wellness Scale for Adolescents (BIEPS-J) in a Mexican sample
Psychological well-being refers to the satisfaction that individuals generally have regarding their life. This concept has been related to mental health and to the detection of factors that favor human development. The interest in their study in adolescents has increased in recent years due to physical, mental and social changes at this stage of development, so it is necessary valid and reliable instruments that allow their evaluation. The objective of this study was to evaluate psychometric properties of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale for Adolescents (BIEPS-J) in a Mexican sample of late adolescents and obtain evidence of their convergent and criterion validity. The BIEPS-J scale and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS) were applied to 271 students of both sexes between 16 and 18 years old. A parallel analysis indicated two factors present in the BIEPS-J scale, which were structured by exploratory factor analysis (main components, oblique rotation) and that explained 54% of the variance. The factors were: 1) Relationship with self and with others, indicates satisfaction with their social relationships and self-acceptance; 2) Plans and personal control resources, indicates the sensation of the domain of their environment and self-competence as the presence of goals in their life. The global internal consistency (α > .80) and by factor (α > .70) was acceptable. The BIEPS-J scale showed convergent validity with the RSS (r = .44) and the level of psychological well-being was associated with the level of self-esteem (p < .001). The total score and by factor of the BIEPS-J scale did not differ between sexes (p > .05). The data indicate that the BIEPS-A scale is a valid and reliable instrument to assess psychological well-being in the Mexican adolescent population between 16 and 18 years of age.
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