Cestería pilagá: una aproximación desde la estética al cuerpo

  • Marina Matarrese
Keywords: asthetics; body; diseño; pilagá basketry; women


This article is part of the studies on aesthetic and anthropology. In this work the pilagá basketry production is approached from two different but complementary areas. On one hand, we analyze how the female body is one of the instruments of this basketry production, as it is exposed, articulated and molded during the process of making handicrafts. Also this body is also subject and is exposed to appreciative dilemmas concerning what is supposed to be a woman artisan and what their qualities are. On the other hand, the article explores the production and basketry patterns and designs that the market demand as authentic, focusing in various ways on the aesthetic criteria and meanings of craft regarding their production. From this network of practices and meanings, it becomes posible the reflection about aesthetics and the linkages with bodies and objects in pilagá basketry and to make, after this study, some contributions to the question of aesthetics and design from an integrative approach of different crossing processes.


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How to Cite
Matarrese, M. (2019). Cestería pilagá: una aproximación desde la estética al cuerpo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (58), 219 a 229. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi58.1268

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