La “belleza” im-posible visual/digital de las tapas de las revistas. Aportes de la biopolítica para entender su u-topia

  • Jorge Couto
Keywords: aesthetic biopolitics; beauty; biopolitics; body; cultural industry; digital; Foucault; picture; population; spectrum


The paper explores the impact produced by digital images improvements on the bodies pictured on magazine covers. These images -edited with design softwares- creates a body whose referent is not the real model but its digital image. These beautifuly designed bodies represents not the reality but a fantasy. These images seduce with an unattainable beauty which is always on the run. 
We also explore the relationships between population, images and biopolitics. Thus, it is
expected to investigate the functioning of a biopolitics that has become aesthetic and that
challenges the whole population to become beautiful individuals.


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How to Cite
Couto, J. (2019). La “belleza” im-posible visual/digital de las tapas de las revistas. Aportes de la biopolítica para entender su u-topia. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (54), 211 a 225.