Las ensoñaciones de un videasta solitario

  • Richard Skryzak
Keywords: J. J. Rousseau; painting; vanity; video


For an art student like me, immersed in the practice of painting in the early
‘80s, the original utopia video art mainly consisted in the appearance of a new form of
artistic expression, perceived both as a breath and an output that allowed to refresh my
practice and leave the dead end of the aesthetic vanguard then immersed in the controversy between neo-expressionist painting and minimalist conceptual art. Therefore I
continue painting, but with video. Since then two underlying problems continue to fuel
my thinking and my work. Can we see the video as a painting? Can we see the video painted? The originality of my video work lies in having aesthetic and historical roots in the
history of art, taken simultaneously with a thorough investigation of the qualities of the
electronic media, in the light of the concepts of “Vanity” and “Painting-Video “. I take as a
reference to the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau who dealing with the boredom of the
saloons, equivalent to our “opennings”, conceived his “cup-and-ball moral .” Coincidentally, I made a video a few years ago showing a cup-and-ball in action. One day I´ll film my
dreams as a solo videographer.


Clair, J. (1983). Considérations sur l’état des beaux-arts. París: Gallimard.

Jouannais, J. Y. (1997). Artistes sans œuvres. París: Hazan.

La Bible. (1979). Traduction œcuménique. París: Le Livre de Poche.

Nietzsche, F. (1971). Par-delà le bien et le mal. París: Gallimard.

Rousseau, J. J. (2011). Les Confessions. París: Garnier.

How to Cite
Skryzak, R. (2019). Las ensoñaciones de un videasta solitario. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (52), 161 a 167.