La fotografía argentina contemporánea. Una mirada hacia las comunidades indígenas

  • Mercedes Pombo
Keywords: Argentina; Art; contemporary; culture; diversity; equality; identity; imaginary; indigenous; Photography; respect; worldview


Argentina is characterized as a heterogeneous nation, with a large plurality of
voices and cultures, in which the native communities voice is usually relegated. From the
beginning the native peoples have to adjust themselves to the customs of the conquerors,
but not lost their cultural identity, which still exists in its rites and ways of facing life.Many
artists throughout Argentina´s history, have been interested in portraying these customs
and ideals. Painters and photographers have approached this work from the documentary
and artistic fields, each from different approaches. Today in Argentina, the interest in the
indigenous communities from the artistic field is ongoing.This paper proposes an approach to the work of two artists who have been able to show the life of indigenous communities in the north of the country from the standpoint of respect and admiration for these
cultures. It examines the work of two contemporary Argentine photographers: Guadalupe
Miles and Sebastián Szyd, who from their particular aesthetics and through their series
Chaco and America have been involved personally with these cultures as part of their rites
and customs.The text proposes to step back and analyze the hidden discourses –trapped
in silence– that are behind the poses and look of those portrayed in both photographic series, learning to appreciate everything they have to show related to their cultural identity


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How to Cite
Pombo, M. (2019). La fotografía argentina contemporánea. Una mirada hacia las comunidades indígenas. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (52), 227 a 239.

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