Ejemplos del uso de los símbolos cristianos en la vida cotidiana en Serbia

  • Milesa Stefanović-Banović
Keywords: contemporary society; orthodox christian symbols; orthodox iconography


The return to religion after decades of secularism and rationalism has brought
new religious practices to the social and cultural life in Serbia. These transformations, in
certain aspects, including the return to the pre-socialist religious tradition and to a large
extent, created new guidelines that seek to integrate into the old traditional context. As a
result, many practices are hybrid, which probably become more noticeable in the examples of material culture, as the most common manifestation of religiosity.
One of the most important features of this process is the overproduction of objects with
christian symbols. Orthodox Christian iconography used in common products with emphasis on materials and aesthetic values, which is completely opposite to the Christian essence.
This paper will present examples of a new perception of religious culture material, which
includes the marketing of religious customs, excessive public displays of religiosity, the
identification of national identity and Christian, and a general shift of focus from the
spiritual toward the material.


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How to Cite
Stefanović-Banović, M. (2019). Ejemplos del uso de los símbolos cristianos en la vida cotidiana en Serbia. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (52), 337 a 350. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi52.1356