La marca: un signo de identificación visual y auditivo sinérgico
From the fact of considering the brand as a synergistic sign of visual and auditory
identification it arises that, from the graphical structure the speakeable components emerge
inevitably. Exceeding the field of visual communication and graphic design, then arises the
need to incorporate to the brand-sign analysis, the phonetic dimension of it. In the verbal
brand composition, phonemes –models or ideal types of sounds with particular phonetic connotation– are involved. That is, vowels, consonants and phonetic groups have a certain symbolic value. The interpretation of phonosymbolism can transcend the acoustic image, including
the study of phonemes expressed verbally in the name of the brand, and the ability to evoke the
sounds of a concept or suggest an idea, an emotion or action.
D’Alfonso, P. (1996). La personalidad humana en los símbolos gráficos. Grafología Simbólica,
Buenos Aires: Edición del Autor.
Frutiger, A. (1997). Signos, símbolos, marcas, señales. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili
Guillaume, P. (1964). Manual de Psicología, (Volumen 2). Buenos Aires: Paidós.
Martín Álvarez, E. y Fernández Gómez, J. (2005). Nominología. Cómo diseñar, seleccionar y proteger nombres de marcas. Madrid: FC Editorial.
Pol, A. (2005). Secretos de marcas, logotipos y avisos publicitarios. Simbolismo gráfico, espacial y
cromático. Buenos Aires: Dunken.
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