La Pequeña y Mediana empresa y la función de la comunicación

  • Patricia Iurcovich
Keywords: communicational management; corporate image; integrated communications; small and medium companies; social networks


The article approaches the problematic of small and medium companies at the
time of incorporating communication strategies in its organizational structures. The commom
knowledge that sustains that integrated communications, advertising and corporate image campaigns, Social corporate Responsibility and other components of the communication
belong only to great Corporations is a myth that still survives in the corporate management
imaginary. In a competitive and complex market, every organization has a strategy, implicit or
explicit, good or bad, to short or long term and each organization must compete against others.
Competitive advantage arises from having a plan and a methodology that surpasses the one of
the competition and a human equipment highly enabled. Good managed integrated communications can be affordable to any company and with a high performance as long as they are
managed by professionals who can design an effective plan with the adapted tools to fulfill the
objectives awaited.


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How to Cite
Iurcovich, P. (2019). La Pequeña y Mediana empresa y la función de la comunicación. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (40), 79 a 84.