Antígona, desde el teatro clásico al Derecho Puro. Perspectivas de la enseñanza a través del método del case-study

  • María Laura Pereyra
Keywords: case-study; classic theater; consciousness objection; education strategies; natural law; positive law


The present work proposes to apply the “case-study” theory as a methodology for teaching Law contents, through
the analysis of the classic play Antigona by Sófocles. It is necessary to point out that very frequently students find difficulties
to surpass the abyss that mediate between the theoretical abstractions and the confused situations that lays in reality. In order
to cover that formative deficiency the method of case-study is an attempt of group learning oriented to extract the maximum
possible benefit of the experiences and knowledge of the other. Thus Antigona as play can be related through its content to the
world of the Law looking for to generate in the student a scaffolding that allows the intelligent handling him of the knowledge
that it owns, moving away that the mere storing of information. By means of the analysis of this Greek tragedy the student
will be in the crossroads of two philosophical currents of Law: the Ius Naturalism or Natural Law and the Ius Positivism or
Positive Law. Such dichotomy will allow him to face real dilemmas that will have to solve in their professional life, for example what happens when the Law prohibits an act that the subject considers moral, and that prohibition falls on loved people.


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Parodi, Ramón Carlos. (2002). El Derecho en el Mercader de Venecia. Ensayos de Derecho procesal. Lima: Huallaga.

Sófocles. (2008). Antígona. Traducción de Sergio Albano. Buenos Aires: Quadrata.

Wassermann, Selma. (1999). El estudio de casos como método de enseñanza. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.

How to Cite
Pereyra , M. L. (2019). Antígona, desde el teatro clásico al Derecho Puro. Perspectivas de la enseñanza a través del método del case-study. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (34), 31 a 36.