Sin barreras lingüísticas en el aula. La universidad argentina como escenario del multiculturalismo

  • Florencia Bustingorry
Keywords: communication relations; diversification in the use of the language; linguistic habitus


This work aims to approach the construction of relations of communication in the classroom environment,
conceiving them like instances in which relations between diverse subjects are established. At present, the context in the
Argentine university reveals that the composition of groups has become increasingly internationalized. This situation leads
so much to a diversification in the use of the language, like the production of “specific noises” in communication. This diversification becomes evident now, in the use and appropriation of Spanish language by foreign students, whether Spanishspeakers or not. The work starts from the consideration of the acts of language from the point of view of Pierre Bourdieu
(1985) who consider them like an action, an encounter of independent causal series: on the one hand the dispositions of
linguistic habitus and a certain capacity to speak defined like linguistic capacity and social capacity; by another one the
structures of the linguistic market that are imposed to the subject as a system of sanctions. In addition, it becomes interesting the analysis of the joint between subjects with different linguistic habits in learning situations.


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How to Cite
Bustingorry, F. (2019). Sin barreras lingüísticas en el aula. La universidad argentina como escenario del multiculturalismo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (34), 57 a 67.