La medición de la reputación corporativa

  • Fernando Arango
Keywords: communication plans; communicational management; Corporate Communication; corporate communication ; Corporate Reputation; Image; measurement of results; Organization; Public relations; publicity; stakeholders


The management of corporate reputation has been maturing solidly –as well as the Public Relations has done in the last decades– and is taking relevance as the great star of the present scenarios, in which the traditional practices of measurement are being obsolete and are insufficient, since they do not contemplate the amount of variables necessary to carry out a serious analysis of management. This implies not only an update in communication management, but a shift of paradigm for the professionals of public relations and the areas in which the structure of corporate communication is inserted, and to which it is reported. The measurement of results is not only essential in a professional management
of a communication plan, but that implies and demands the interaction of a diversity of parameters that are conjugated in the Corporate Image. The systematic incorporation of those parameters in the measurement of results enriches the management, the practice and the professional solidity of the public relations professional.


Foro de Reputación Corporativa, recuperado el 20.01.08 de

Wilcox, D., Cameron G. y Xifra J., (2007). Relaciones Públicas, Estrategias y Tácticas. 8 edición. Madrid: Pearson Education.

How to Cite
Arango, F. (2019). La medición de la reputación corporativa. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (28), 17 a 21.