Valoración de la calidad y fragilidad visual del paisaje

  • Fabio A. Solari
  • Laura Cazorla
Keywords: Landscape; visual Quality; visual river basin; Fragility; Diversity; Humanization


The physical characteristics of landscape can be identified by their visual attributes, since the planning, the
decisions of handling, the natural interaction of the culture and processes take to physical changes that will be seen in
the future in the landscape. The scenic landscapes are one of the majors sources for the human enjoyment and in some
cases it has been the object of direct criminal action to conserve his quality. In addition, the necessity to count with valid
resources to quantify the scenic characters of the landscapes has increased substantially with the development of the
planning of the use of the earth and its requirements of environmental data in which to base the decisions of earth use.
A methodology for the valuation of the Visual Quality and its Fragility appears, as much of the rural landscapes as of the
urban ones, with the purpose of having a valuation of the landscape that allows to order of suitable form the implantation
of certain uses and activities in a territory


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How to Cite
Solari, F. A., & Cazorla, L. (2019). Valoración de la calidad y fragilidad visual del paisaje . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (30), 213 a 225.

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