Funciones formales y discurso creativo

  • Sylvia Valdés
Keywords: art; creative; creator; deconstruction; epistemology; generativism; hermeneutics; idea; performanceactors; poetic function; poetic language; program director; random; significant/meaning; unconscious


The creator subject and its speech gain, along the XX century a new epistemological statute: through the
manifests and pre-surrealist and surrealist text, which join the plastic fields with the poetry field, analysed by
Maurice Blanchot, through the theoretic writings of Ronald Barthes, about the “Grado cero de la escritura”
(Degree zero of Literature), starting from the concepts on dissemination and deconstruction stated by Derrida.
The ideas on creativity leave behind yet in the first decades of the century, the speculative labyrinth of the
whole spirit and the contemplation of reaching the mythic, political and journalistic speech. The theoretical
edges of the new creative speech are traced by the Marxist refunding of the Hegelian dialectic, by the
Freudian discovery of the unconscious and by the called “modern texts” which inscribe a logic inside others,
from Lautréamont to Mallarmé. A new conception which arise from the Russian formalism, specially from
Jackobson: the poetic function, peruses this speech as well as the new critic.


How to Cite
Valdés, S. (2019). Funciones formales y discurso creativo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (16), 77 a 84.