Letras, palabras y bloques

  • Diego Pérez Lozano
Keywords: Education; History; Writing; Typography; Publishing


The close relation that could be made between the evolution of the human being and
the publishing universe demonstrates that to analyse the past allows to include the present and to
anticipate themselves largely to the future. Like anthropologists, the graphic designers observe and
reflect about conceptual and aesthetic changes in texts on the plane. On the other hand, we design
exercises for students in order to build a solid foundation in publishing discipline, allowing then
the application of certain graphical games that tie with other acquired knowledge.


How to Cite
Pérez Lozano, D. (2019). Letras, palabras y bloques. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (36), 9-10. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi36.1618

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