Objetivos, procesos y resultados en la educación editorial

  • Alejandro Firszt
Keywords: Education; History; Graphic design; Book; Reading; Creation; Project


The human evolution modified structures and procedures of all kind, and the reading has not been outside this act.
From Gutenberg to the publishing reticule, the function to read opened the way to the function to see. Today a page is watched
and perhaps nor it is reached to read. The education of the publishing universe looks for to explore so much the graphical
aspect as the conceptual one, trying to return to the source in search of basic answers to questions like; Why we read?
Chained matters and contents produce the structural scaffolding necessary to manage to solve own problems of communication
of the text composition on the plane.


How to Cite
Firszt, A. (2019). Objetivos, procesos y resultados en la educación editorial. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (32), 9 a 11. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi32.1620