Moda y distinción social. Reflexiones en torno a los sentidos atribuidos a la moda

  • Florencia Bustingorry
Keywords: fashion; distinction; senses; trends; participation; consumption; production; circulation


Fashion is a social phenomenon, historically situated. Their definitions have varied. It refers on one hand to the garment industry and all objects related to its business and markets, and on the other, to social change, which crosses various aspects of people lives. These two aspects are articulated and overlapped, so we can not think of one without the other. Different meanings in each context occur on fashion and this constitutes an element of distinction and a sign of belonging. So we think about fashion as a sign that
marks the difference on the one hand, and on the other defines the inclusion in social groups
(by age, class or ideology). In this regard, it is of interest to study the relationship between the phenomenon of trends and socially constructed meanings around it, emphasizing especially in the contexts of production, circulation, consumption and appropriation.


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How to Cite
Bustingorry, F. (2019). Moda y distinción social. Reflexiones en torno a los sentidos atribuidos a la moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (53), 47 a 57.