Tendencias y desafíos de las marcas globales. Nuevas expectativas sobre el rol del comunicador corporativo

  • Bernardo S. García
Keywords: communications people; corporate communication; corporate reputation; digital communication; Dircom; Director of Communication; external public; institutional communication; internal public; marks; organizational communication; public; Public Relations; relations; trends


In this article the author makes a review on the main subjects arose from the ninth edition of the Communication Consortium, annual event in which participates American companies communication leaders representing their industries, with the aim of sharing the best practices of public relations, and analyzing the trends and the challenges of corporate communications. By the end of 2009, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, 80 representing specialists of communication of 3M, AIG, American Express, General Electric, General Motors, IBM, Johnson& Johnson and Procter& Gamble, debated throughout three days. The central subject focused in the new communicational realities generated by global integration, the massive use of the technology and the changes in the social behavior that they are practically reformulating how, where and when the institutions and the people communicate, redefining therefore the reach of the function of the communication to fortify the brands, to construct alliances and to reinforce the relations, to contribute to the results of companies business.


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How to Cite
García, B. S. (2019). Tendencias y desafíos de las marcas globales. Nuevas expectativas sobre el rol del comunicador corporativo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (33), 41 a 47. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi33.1707