Poéticas de la imagen digital

  • Sylvia Valdés
Keywords: Art; digital; image; Linguistic; Psychoanalysis


The present essay discusses digital arts from the construction of theoretical categories that feed the disciplines of linguistics, epistemology and psychoanalysis. Through the analysis of work of technological and transformational spirit characteristics, and in cases of study that navigates on the margins of society such as the Borda’s Artist Front, the essay condenses a theoretical background that links work, authors and ideas from the diversity that is necessary for the treatment of a complex paradigm. This way, the critical questioning and the political enviroment show themselves as the foundation for the positive subversion that works as a trademark for todays art.


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How to Cite
Valdés, S. (2019). Poéticas de la imagen digital. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, 41(41), 203 a 214. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v41i41.1785