Subjetividades Inestables
A question about subjectivity has as purposeful horizon a reflection on human condition. While the modern world consolidated the body as a paradigm of the understanding of nature project, by the way of science, technological and industrial project has demonstrated the technology status in the political world we inhabit and in this way has allowed the colonization of the life sciences, which have established the human condition as an equivalent of the condition of living. The text attempts to suggest a reflection on the ethical nature of the problem of subjectivity in the contemporary world, from the close relationship that now links the idea of individual with assessments of human relationships with technical and scientific developments, a way which not only extends the idea of the subject, but attempts to be jointly structured from a question that becomes stronger every day and have to do with the matter of living.
Berger, P. y Luckmann, T. (2002). La construcción social de la realidad. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu Editores.
Botero Uribe, D. (2004). Discurso sobre el humanismo. Bogotá: Ecoe Ediciones.
Hottois, G.(1991). El paradigma bioético: una ética para la tecnociencia. Barcelona: Anthropos.
Sibilia, P. (2005). El hombre postorgánico: Cuerpo, subjetividad y tecnologías digitales. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Thomas, H. y Buch, A.(2008). Comp. Actos, actores y artefactos. Sociología de la tecnología. Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Editorial.
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