Aspectos inquietantes de la era de la subjetividad: lo deseable y lo posible

  • Daniela V. Di Bella
Keywords: absolut; complexity; creative flow; “desubjetivización”; learning; meaning; postmodernism; relative; transformation


We are experiencing a paradigm shift and a return to subjectivity, in a fragmented context whose bases have been violated, where the pieces are scattered, and many have been lost or changed. In this context, the definition of self subjectivity certainly can become a mystery, in a vacuum of confusion and difficulty, where the scenario demands and involves us in a dessubjectivized subjectivity, fatally marked and barred by the hyperstimulation of the media. The educator is increasingly committed to find and provide the individual tracks, and keys to their own subjectivity meant or personal creative flow.


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Recursos Electrónicos

Allen, W. (1975). La última noche de Boris Gruschenko. (Love and Death). Disponible en: Ficha IMDB:

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Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1998). Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life. Los 9 pasos del flujo. New York: Basic Books. Disponible en:

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How to Cite
Di Bella, D. V. (2019). Aspectos inquietantes de la era de la subjetividad: lo deseable y lo posible. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (43), 127 a 139.

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