La poética de la forma. Fronteras desdibujadas entre el cuerpo, la palabra y la cosa
A sort of survival lies in the tireless human task of representing space, time and reality itself, although the latter lacks edges. In this text, we will consider that a poet is the creator of things and words, the designer of experiences whom with its body inhabits other bodies through formal and symbolic metaphors. Encompass the boundless or represent the unrepresentable, has been the constant struggle of this discourse maker: truth is a mirror box, the sign becomes artifice, machination of a body enraptured by the sensations. The art of the poets of the thing and the word is to appoint, to shape, to score without sacrificing the sense, but leaving the door open to continue playing with reality. The metaphor embodied in the body, the object and word, engendered new realities, because the signs of wealth and its
combinations open to allow the expression, experimentation and speculation ... “The fixity is always momentary”, Octavio Paz say.
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