Rapsodia para los sujetos por sí-mismos. Hacia una sociedad de localización participante

  • Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero
Keywords: ‘compluridad’ (as plurality); dialogue; design; language; participation; subject


In this subjective, personal, localized and participant reflection on subjects and subjectivities, talking my educational experience with industrial design students at the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Bogota, Colombia, in the same subject: Undergraduate Research Project (GEM) after nearly three years (2009-2012) dedicated to fostering conversations and approaches in the classroom, I call dynamic design to build strong communities intersubjective links. My argument, not linear, but fragmentary and circular (from here the name Rhapsody), I raise from authors who consider advocates of both subjectivity as empirical subjects by name (Alain Touraine, Judith Bulter, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Tony Fry, Klaus Krippendorff, Judith Bulter, Veena Das, Clifford Geertz, etc.). The five chapters: 1. The personality consumption, 2.
Artifacts and not objects. 3. Design as a condition of subjection, 4. The bodies in the words and 5. The words in the body, drew up a manifesto in first person (participating locations to explain why I believe that all design, the more professional more subjective and intersubjective, arises from the encounter between people located and also participants.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Borrero, A. (2019). Rapsodia para los sujetos por sí-mismos. Hacia una sociedad de localización participante. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (43), 273 a 289. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi43.1806