Habitancia y Comunidades de Sentido. Complejidad Humana y Educación. Consideraciones acerca del acto educativo en Diseño
What is taught, and what is learned ? Education with its various aspects as systematic reflection, a compendium of training methods for a particular context, in itself has become a stream of potential pragmatic, efficient and conclusive, that have framed the subject in a container of knowledge, as operative entities from the reactions driven by an impulse or case study, and not in a system that tends to complementarity, unity and overall benefit from the sensitive and vital perspective. In this wide spectrum of possibilities, the validity of teaching and learning leads in to recognize as a fundamental premise for a subject, a man or woman in a society that has faced since the classroom to have more than knowledge and the central axis of their work, their role, and has been structured from the essence of education and the human condition. This paper raises from the perspective of designing a reflection on the elements of structure and power, which are given from classroom design and from the roles of both Teacher and Student, where the creative emergency search not only the differentiation of tangible-product-design process, but the recognition of subjects whom through the educational help others to be.
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