Retail marketing: el punto de venta, un medio poderoso

  • Diego A. Ontiveros
Keywords: communication plan; differentiation; endomarketing; image and corporate identity - individual and group interests; internal communication; management attitudes; role of the leader; staff training


The Point of Sale (POS) is only known as a distribution channel, but it should be considered a media. Privileged to add value and manage branding, merchandising is seductive enough to produce an experience that delights shoppers. The media plan should include this communication tool. Design, Advertising and Communication students have to understand the areas of contact between products and consumers as a communication media. We must control that the exposure of our products becomes attractive enough to capture the attention of our potential shoppers. What is merchandising? The traditional vision is to use different advertising media to promote brands (caps, pens, shirts, lighters). Learn the secrets of merchandising is a tool to control packaging facing in stores and so seduce the buyers at the first moment of truth in marketing. The merchandising is not a new activity, but should be a performance area for a designer, communicator in advertising or marketing companies with high turnover. This article will describe the main topics. As an example, the case of Alfajor Cachafaz. With no traditional advertising the product gains market share with high price (about 4 dollars), very good package and presence in the POS.


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Underhill, P. (2002) ¿Porqué compramos? La ciencia del Shopping. Buenos Aires: Editorial Gestión 2000.

How to Cite
Ontiveros, D. A. (2019). Retail marketing: el punto de venta, un medio poderoso. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (45), 229 a 239.