La enseñanza de la metodología de la investigación en la era de la invención: Hacia un nuevo humanismo

  • Claudio Eiriz
Keywords: Methodology ; research ; didactics ; new technologies ; design ; pedagogy ; contents ; psychopedagogy ; communication ; sociology ; knowledge ; millennials ; creativity ; invention ; humanism ; research


Part of the debate regarding teaching is limited to the discussion about the incorporation of new technologies in the classroom and the understanding of the subjectivity of current students (millennials). The modes of social interaction are changing and as the styles of appropriation of knowledge are tributary to the available models in social effectiveness, it is natural that the ways in which new generations appropriate knowledge, is also changing. However, the way we make sense of the possible effects of that transformation is part of the production of the change itself. In this paper we try to reflect on the discourse regarding the learning styles of the new generations, the changes that have been produced from the Tics and later on the consequence that these changes can bring in the teaching of the research methodology , placing special emphasis on the contexts of discovery and invention.


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How to Cite
Eiriz, C. (2020). La enseñanza de la metodología de la investigación en la era de la invención: Hacia un nuevo humanismo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (78).

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