La evolución de los modelos de enseñar-aprender diseño en el nuevo escenario generacional

  • Carmen Inés Galbusera Testa
Keywords: teaching ; learning ; design ; changes ; models ; generations ; critical reflection ; context


Teaching-learning design poses challenges in the context of the current global paradigm. The generations of Baby-Boomers (1945-60) and X (1961-79), trained in times of cold war, are the didactic organizers of the NET generations or of digital natives: Millenials (1980-1993), Z (1994- 2009) and Touch (2010-today). Quantitative and qualitative changes occur at an accelerated speed in the economic, political, social, environmental, technological and symbolic dimensions from the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. New teaching / learning modalities product of generational changes, invite critical reflection.


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How to Cite
Galbusera Testa, C. I. (2020). La evolución de los modelos de enseñar-aprender diseño en el nuevo escenario generacional. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (78).