Gestos y habla en la construcción infantil de narrativas entre pares

  • Florencia Alam
  • Celia Renata Rosemberg
  • Nora Scheuer
Keywords: narratives ; gestures ; interactions ; children ; multimodality


The present work aims to analyze the construction of oral narratives by young children in different situations of production, individually or with one or two peers. The work analyzes the structural organization of the stories and the use of gestures to adopt a point of view when narrating: as an external observer or as one of the characters in the narrative. The corpus includes 36 narratives produced by 12 children of 5 years old who live in urban marginalized neighborhoods of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Each child produced 3 narratives: individually, in dyads and in triads. The children used different sets of thematically related toys. The researcher gave them a set and asked them to narrate using the toys, then removed the toys and asked them to retell the story without the toys. The exchanges were video filmed and then transcribed and categorized using the ELAN program. The verbal information of narratives without the toys was categorized according to the narrative categories of Stein and Glenn (1979) and the gestures were categorized according to the point of view adopted by the child when narrating, considering the categories of previous works (McNeill, 1992; Parrill, 2012). The results showed that both the verbal information selected by the child when narrating and the interaction with other children had an effect on their use of gestures. These results seem to indicate that the use of gestures as a narrative resource depends both on social factors and discursivecognitive factors.


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How to Cite
Alam, F., Rosemberg, C. R., & Scheuer, N. (2020). Gestos y habla en la construcción infantil de narrativas entre pares. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (89).